Friday, December 18, 2009

Well here is where I differ. Faith is what the Republican party consistently pride themselves on...specifically Christianity. That is why so many hypocrites who claimed to be Christians were upset when lies about Obama being a Muslim circulated. The thing is, you can't have yer cake and eat it too. So, there are two things that differ between the Reps and Dems.. poor vs rich, liberal vs conservative (or as some may say religious right vs religious left). My morals may not be the same as Sally the soccer mom with 5 kids however it does not make them any less valid. Same thing with the abortion issue, homosexuality, legalized marijuana use, divorce and religious tolerance/intolerance... these are more things that divide dems and reps.. The one thing they all have in common rep and dem is that they are in it for the politics and power and I don' care what side of the bridge they are looking over there is a great chance that they are crooks. However they know the best way to deflect blame is to have the simple minded American people to fight with each other instead of demanding justice and fairness of their leaders. Because if Ann Coulters and Rush Limbaughs of the world can keep the stink up, more zombies will just continue to follow them not based on fact, however based on selfishness, greed, hypocrisy and yes hate. Ann believes that single mothers are irresponsible and selfish and that children should not be born to single mothers...SHe is a Republican.. therefore she obviously does not believe in abortion... so logically her solution is for women who are not married not to have sex. Hate to say it however that is very realistic, now is it? As for Obama and his so called lack of experience. Harvard professor, Senator and yes community organizer, can you please tell me all of the wonderful experiences George Bush had? He was the governor of Texas...ok and oh yeah a business owner....where he droves many businesses into the ground and he hobnobbed with the Bin Ladens...I could not make this up if I tried! So if you are gonna pounce on Obama, you may need to take a good look at the previous administration as well. As you can see, my comments are not insulting or opinionated. You can verify everything I said with minimal research.

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